Connecting During a Pandemic

It’s safe to say that we have all been feeling the effects of COVID-19 on our mental state. With the ever-present rules and restrictions keeping us from getting close to other people, you may be finding yourself pulling away from those around you. In a survey done by the Canadian Mental Health Association, results showed that the number one concern among respondents was the feeling of isolation. So how do we keep in touch with others during this time?

First, it’s important to highlight that although we may be practicing physical distancing, we really shouldn’t be practicing social distancing. As humans, we are social beings, and we must make sure not to deprive ourselves of social connections. During this time of uncertainty and anxiety, we need to reach out for help when feeling overwhelmed. 

A great way to let go of all the anxiety you’re feeling and to get some exercise during the pandemic is by taking a walk! Whether you’re physically distancing or maybe on the phone, going on a walk lets you escape from the repetitive surroundings of your home. It also lets you take a moment to just relax and breathe, and enjoy another person’s company without the stresses that can arise from having the same work and living environment.

Another great way to connect without physically being together is by sharing your interests with one another. Introducing someone to a new song or show can be a great way to reconnect during the pandemic! Sharing your interest with your friends is a great way to start a conversation that doesn’t involve the topic of new guidelines and regulations. Discussing and enjoying a new show together is a great way to take your mind off things, and also leave you looking forward to something each week.

Learning something new together is also a great way to bond with each other. Set a zoom meeting, pull up a youtube tutorial video, and get started! Learning to paint or cook together can help us enjoy the moments that we are currently in. Learning something new by yourself might seem like a big task, but having others try it with you might help you loosen up and enjoy yourself, even if things don’t go to plan.

The most important thing to remember is to talk to others about how you are feeling. We are all feeling the stress and fear that comes with living through a pandemic. It’s important to remember that you are not alone, and there are plenty of people who understand what you are going through. Spending time with others, whether it is a physically distanced get-together or zoom meeting, is important for all of our well beings.

Written by Piper Fodor, Memorial Composite High School Student


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